Monday, January 11, 2010

Getting used to saying goodbye

Getting used to saying goodbye
Fate sealed, sentiments override.

Bosom swells with bridal expectancy
Heart aches from years of loving solely.

Had my beloved taken the remedy
My beloved would’ve healed spiritually.

Friend buries even the best of people
And corpse is nothing but remains to be mourned.

So long, Mogadishu, so long:
For me, my nostalgia
As for you, your lost innocence.

@ Safi Abdi...2009

Monday, January 4, 2010

He loved optimism

Give serenity another name
Or simplicity another face.

He loved optimism
Hated pessimism.

Positive, ever so positive
For the little things always appreciative:
The cackle of the baby
The sip of plain water
The first to smile
The last to disengage.

He loved optimism
Hated pessimism.

Good of intent
Mild of voice
Light of foot
Gentle, ever so gentle.

He loved optimism
Hated pessimism
Invited criticism
Celebrating pragmatism:

His Jihad being just an operation
Against the aberration:
The middle course, O my followers
The middle course, O my followers.

@ 2007 Safi Abdi. All Rights Resevered.