Monday, May 14, 2007

Are You Ready?

Swift is death when it meets the host…
Death comes and man a weeper...
His case closed now just a moaner:
My Lord! My Lord!
As of today I shall abide
Undo my time to prove the right
I wish to revise, improve
No more breaking of rule
Or tool.
But death comes and none can do reverse
Gifts immense for self supplied
All gone all gone
Reversing for none.
Death comes and man a weeper...
His case closed now just a moaner:
My Lord! My Lord!
Man! Oh, man!
Wasn't his life just a loan?
A pair of eyes, faculties to apply?
Wasn't happiness his lot and cause?
And sadness a trial for him to know?
Basked he not in sunshine clime?
Much blessings did he not deride?
Tasted the cold did he not…all right?
And heat did he not sample in delight?
Feasted on beauty did he not quite?
Feeling the opposite did he not cry?
Trekked the mountains did he not to write?
Admired the blooms did he not in a dye?
Whilst his heart the Maker did deride?
Man! Oh, man!
Time enough you were hearty and fine!
So fuss no more and stop the chime!
Death comes and man the weeper
His case closed now just a moaner:
O Lord! O Lord!
Man! You knew your guest in deep sleep
I took your friends to make you see
Arrested your neighbors to make you feel
Then you shed a tear or two or more
And straight away a beer or phrase.
I said: Listen to you in the dark of night
I said: I am the One in Whom You flee
I said: I am the Link so break not free.
You said: Later! Later! O god of mine!
You said: Create me a god, if You are true !
I said: Look at you, O man of man!
You said: Not now! Not now! Not You again!
You said: I like things just that way they're!
And give not a hoot whether false or trite !
I said: the Angel of Death's always nigh!
You said: So long I don't see the night ignite!
I said: Death comes the nut to crack at dawn!
You said: I'll wait and see that night crack!

@Safi Abdi, all rights reserved.

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